Original vanity and mirror in placeVanity removed. Sink and faucets were saved for Habitat for Humanity.Original tub in placeTub and some tile removed. Gotta love sledge hammers for this task. This cast iron tub weighed in at 288 pounds (at the recycle station).Plumbing and electric have been moved and updated and the walls have been patched.Shower curb has been established, plumbing moved and walls patched. The red stuff on the floor is a waterproofer and crack preventer.Ceiling texture and new shower lightVanity in its shipping container with possible tile selections in front. Getting this 378 pound monster up the stairs was quite an adventure.New vanity in place.Shower tile installed (no grout yet).Custom made vanity backsplash and a framed mirror have been added.Applying moulding to curved cabinet door. Got clamps?Shaping top trim.View from closetFinished cabinet.